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All classes are based on LYT method®

LYT method® is the perfect marriage of movement and anatomy grounded in the principals of physical therapy and neurodevelopmental training.

The classes are dynamic, features creative and flowing sequences  to build up Strength, Mobility and Adaptability.

Runner stretch

LYT Dynamic Stretch

A sustainable and safe stretch class, thoughtfully designed with a proper warm -up and a blend of low and high-impact routines. Enhance your experience and safely deepen soft tissue pliability, strength, and overall well-being.


LYT Primary

This multi-level class includes a LYT Reset, two to three full sequences, and Sun Salutations, while offering slightly more time to transition than our Advanced level classes.

Attention to safety and alignment, deep core engagement, and thorough, full-body strengthening and lengthening is guaranteed.


Core Circle Training

fun circuit class utilizes weights, resistance band and other props for strength training for your muscles, bones & spirits! With different functional and smart moves to build overall strength in efficient way. 

Personal training

Private 1:1

A private session is perfect for you if you need to focus on certain poses, if you have restrictions that need more attention and modification strategies to reach your goal, or to get more focus on your practice in your own schedule. This class will adjust to what you need in your practice.

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